Zahra Rashid-No More Suffering

Zahra Rashid-No More Suffering


Lecture Fla: Saturday, March 22, 2:30pm Key Largo Rm

Lecture NY: Sunday March 30, 11:00am Kips Bay Rm

No More Suffering: Change Your Life with Detoxification & Regenerative Nutrition

I’m Persian & Indian. I grew up eating a standard diet which included lots of rice, meat, processed (easy access) foods, dairy and More. I’ve also had a traumatic upbringing having one parent who still battles mental illness & addictions. I was hospitalized at age 8 for an Acute Kidney infection. I am a TruthSeeker, Registered Nurse for 10yrs & On a Silent Health Journey for over 15yrs. I now offer coaching that Entails a Comprehensive Personalized Protocol for My Clients which entails Detoxification & Regenerative Nutrition

At Age 16, the health issues became more and more apparent and kept piling on slowly. Intuitively I knew that our bodies are NOT deficient in medications and something was out of balance which is when my actual health journey began spanning over 15yrs to date. I’ve spent thousands of dollars, hours & tears searching for answers. For Years it felt like a Hamster Wheel. A lot of times I went to bed crying thinking that maybe this is my fate and I’ve been dealt a bad hand.

Until I’ve learned what I Know today. This lecture will include How & Why I use the following in my Personalized Protocols for my Clients: Fermented Enzymes to dig DEEP and address Colon & Liver health, Peptide BioRegulators to Regenerate the Body, Why NOTHING works in isolation and that the Body needs to be looked at WHOLISTICALLY, there’s so much more to the Truth than “they” want you to Know & the ONE Product that ACTUALLY REPAIRS your DNA & protects you from Harmful Frequencies (EMF). It would be a Genuine Pleasure to meet you at My Very First Event!