Lecture Fla: Saturday March 22, 10:30am Key Largo Rm
Lecture NY: Sunday March 30, 4:00 Herald Square Rm.
Navigating the Spiritual Awakening and Global Vibrational Shift
What does it mean to go through a spiritual awakening?What is the process? What happens to you? What might you experience?What have I experienced? Are you hearing voices? Are you seeing things other people are not? Are angel and demons real in this dimension? What about aliens?Are aliens manipulating us? How long does an awakening process take?These and many more questions answered during this lecture. You don’t want to miss out on this interactive lecture.
Introducing Shaman White Eagle Feather/ Psychic Medium Pam Jenkins. Pam has been psychic her whole life, but didn’t know that is what it was… As a young child and young adult she always just perceived it as God talking to her… Always knowing things, or feeling them before they happened… There were times as a child some of those revelations of what she “knew”, or what came out of her mouth at times caused problems for her, and embarrassment to those around her….As a young adult she became aware of being “a psychic medium” and communicating with those who have passed from this earthly plane… Pam is now sharing her knowledge about how this works as it has been presented to her through these experiences…. Join us for a very interactive and informative time….www.heavencallingearth.com