Andrew & Noreen-Reignite Your Relationship

Andrew & Noreen-Reignite Your Relationship


Lecture:Sat March 29, 11:00am Sutton Rm

Lecture:Sun March 30, 10:00am Kips Bay Rm


Experiencing physical changes and relationship challenges? Frustrated with lack of communication? Together, yet feel apart? Feeling unheard and unseen? It’s not over when you’re older!

Learn 3 essential keys to unlock the secrets to fulfilling relationships. Awaken your senses, heal past disappointments, old habits, and limited beliefs. Explore a new you; learn empowering tools and new skills to deepen emotions. Rediscover each other in a whole new way. Experience life with more fun and passion, both in AND out of bed!

Meet your SensUall Sensei: Andrew, an accomplished LMT with over 25 years’ experience, Intuitive Bodyworker and Relationship Coach; and Noreen, a Master Energy Healer, Intuitive Teacher, and Relationship Coach. Together they are NOTORIOUS for REIGNITING RELATIONSHIPS at SensUall Souls.