Mona Depena-Life’s Higher Purpose

Mona Depena-Life’s Higher Purpose


Lecture: Saturday, March 29, 7:00 pm Kips Bay Rm

Life’s Higher Purpose

This lecture is based on the information of a highly spiritual book called “ The Path of The Four Fires “ Channeled telepathy from three humanoids called, Men- Sons of God. We will provide information for the following subjects and more: The good and evil humanoids, Angels and demons,Star-humans among us, Spiritual development, Love and soulmates, Spirit world and life after death, Karma and reincarnation, God and Satan,  Paradise man, Atlantis and the hidden history of mankind.

“We are The Sons of Heaven, we are space humans, we are humanoids. We will leave this message to our brothers, the Children of the Earth. We are here to help mankind so that they can learn to live right. We come to bring you the light, through words we will bring light to the ignorance that is the darkest. Our paths have united once again, like our paths united in the beginning, so they will in the end.” Men-Sons of God

For over 20 years, my mother Lea M Flinkman, a strong psychic/medium, channeled three humanoids called the Sons of God, since I witnessed this incredible phenomenon, I felt it was my responsibility to form this information into a book and share it with the world.Mona Depena, translator and publisher for the book “ THE PATH OF THE FOUR FIRES”.