Mitchell Rabin-Solving Health & Global Warming

Mitchell Rabin-Solving Health & Global Warming


Lecture: Saturday March 29, 5:00pm Kips Bay Rm

Staying Centered & Pivoting with the Times While Solving Health & Global Warming

We are in unprecedented times and we have no roadmap.  What with the upswing of AI with the potential of replacing millions of jobs and of gaining an upper hand in governance of the planet we have reason to be concerned. The presence of multiple wars, poisons in our food, water, air as a norm as well as genocide, requires we humans to preserve our planet and species to be in action.  How do we stay healthy, in fact how to thrive in healthy longevity in these times? Today’s talk will explore the idea of maintaining mind-body-soul in the middle of a chaotic world and being on purpose with meaningful action to upgrade our health and solve Global Warming at the same time.  All within the hour!

Mitchell J. Rabin, M.A., L.AC. is host of the popular A Better World TV & Podcast, holistic therapist, acupuncturist, coach, Stress Management Consultant, writer, interfaith minister, social impact entrepreneur and is the CEO of the NGO Institute of Global Education.