Michelle Kaplan-Vibration & Frequency
Lecture: Sunday March 17, 11:3am Key Largo Rm.
Vibration and Frequency ~ Allowing The Body To Heal.
Frequency healing has always been available to us. Vibro-acoustics, humming, singing, chanting, these are all abundant and necessary to return to a parasympathetic state where the body can innately relax and become harmonious. Michelle Kaplan healed her body with frequency and vibration using Quantum field Scalar Energy. Through her own journey, she shares the universal properties of Scalar waves, the energy used by Nikola Tesla, as well as other modalities which can be used for healing naturally. Learn how the frequency of thought can alter your cellular state, and thus can be used for balancing the body.
Michelle Kaplan has a mission to introduce as many people as possible to the realm of natural healing. Her own healing journey prompted her to open the Scalar Therapy Wellness Center, “Love And Healing Energy” in Delray Beach, where people can receive the natural frequency waves of Enhanced Energy.