Melissa Faith Ramirez-The New Sexy

Melissa Faith Ramirez-The New Sexy


Lecture: Saturday March 29, 2:00pm Skytop Rm (39th Fl)

The New Sexy

  Vulnerability, Authenticity, Integrity, Raw Truth, Self Love are just some of the facets of the higher dimensional passion and love we are meant to experience. Join us for an interactive, deep yet playful, workshop where you will awaken the deliciousness of living from the frequency of The New Sexy.

  *This workshop is for singles and couples alike. Please come with an open heart to get your mind blown*

Melissa Faith’s journey in the remembrance of her divine truth and gifts has been as intense as it has been divinely guided. Just being in her presence, you will be penetrated with love to bring forth your truth to light for healing and expansion.  Bring your presence to Booth L1 and by surrendering you shall have the experience you deliciously need for your process to awaken and expand your power and passion.

  Melissa Faith Ramirez is a Shamanic Goddess, Sex Alchemist, Intuitive Transformative Coach