John Hewlett-Cardio Miracle

John Hewlett-Cardio Miracle


Lecture-Fla: Sunday March 23, 12:30pm, Board Rm

Lecture: NYC: Saturday March 29, 5:00pm Skytop (39th Fl)

The Life-Altering Story of John Hewlett

John Hewlett is the Founder and Formulator of Cardio Miracle. After surviving his own health crisis in 2007, he knew his purpose. His inspiration was led by his desire to “heal the hearts of mankind.” Complications from a nicked vein from an emergency appendectomy resulted in internal bleeding. The experience exposed further health problems, and John was suddenly diagnosed with severe heart complications as a result of family heart genetics that had been silently and slowly impacting his health. . . Medical doctors advised that once his internal bleeding was stabilized, he underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery. The experience changed John’s life. His brush with death launched him on his quest to discover natural and effective ways to improve his cardiovascular issues and overall health. The journey soon directed him to nitric oxide. The experience and information was so profound, he was moved to leave his successful career in the world of finance to become an educator and advocate for nitric oxide.After several years of researching existing nitric oxide products on the market, John concluded the only way to capitalize on this miracle molecule was to develop a formula on his own that would gather all the key elements he learned into one proprietary blend.Using the latest science in combination with organic plant and food-based ingredients, John learned how to create the finest nitric oxide supplement in the world. His motivation, which was his own personal nitric oxide miracle, was to accelerate the body’s own production of the “miracle molecule” as it is known in leading medical and scientific journals. John was determined to get it right. And once he did, he knew it had to be called Cardio Miracle.

Cardio Miracle is a high-quality blend of more than 58+ ingredients, including lion’s mane mushroom, glutathione, organic beets, carrots, herbs, combined with amino acids L-arginine, L-citrulline, NAC and more. These ingredients work together synergistically in perfect harmony to promote and sustain and support the body’s innate production of nitric oxide. Mission accomplished.