Lecture:Saturday March 29, 1:00pm Herald Sq Rm
Join Jodi Serota & Her Guides for Multi-level Healing, New Levels of Consciousness, Clearing Karma & “Living Life Consciously from A Higher Conscious Perspective”.Receive: Channeled Guidance – For The Group Present. Experience: Powerful Vibrational Sound Activations – Heals & Clears Outdated Karma. Enjoy: Light Language Infusions– Awakens Your Codes of Consciousness, Ignites Innate Gifts, & Assists In Embodying True Sacredness. Allow: The Opening of “The Gateway To Your Multi-Dimensional Heart”. LOVE IS THE ANSWER!
Jodi Serota is a Metaphysical Educator, Channel, Vibrational Sound & Light Language Healer and Professional Artist. Her In-depth intuitive abilities and her remarkable sound healing powers are used to create initiations and activations which instantly make major shifts in consciousness and healing. She holds individual Channeled Akashic Record Reading/Healing Sessions, Teaches Classes & Creates Multi- Media Concerts and Events for Personal Growth, Healing, Transformation & The Creative Process. Her work is visual, audible, and kinesthetic and opens the Gateway To The Multidimensional Heart. She was also the Owner & Creator of META Center New York.