Sara Ioaiza-Sound Healing Cacao Ceremony

Sara Ioaiza-Sound Healing Cacao Ceremony


SPECIAL EVENT: Friday Oct 27 8:00pm Rm #3

Special Event: Saturday Oct 18, 6:00pm Rm #5

Cacao Cermony / Shamanic Tonic and Gong Bath Sound Healing w/ Sara Ioaiza

Don’t miss this uplifting Cacao Ceremony and Sound Bath*

Sara loaiza . Originally from colombia, Sara is a heart alchemist, earth Guardiána, community space holder, woman weaver, cacao medicine carrier and song medicine holder;  Her purpose is to help others find home within,connect and open their hearts & connect to the heart of nature and their true nature. She works with tools to help others to embrace their more authentic , honest and multidimensional selves.SARA believes that by acknowledging her inner teacher she encourages others to show up for themselves and find their own inner teacher.She believes there are multiple ways to heal the body, mind and spirit which is why she’s committed to honoring ancient practices and traditions like Caco ceremonies, pranayama (breathe work), and medicine music as part of her essential offerings. She deeply believes in sound & vibration as medicine and conscious breathing as a long lasting elixir of life.Being a Certified actress, singer, performer and designer, she draws upon a rich educational, cultural & creative heritage as a way to communicate with the divine, transmute and elevate our being. She has taught yoga all over the world in countries like Spain , Mexico,Costa Rica and Colombia. She is one of the founders and creators of Gaia Nomaya and founder of HearthbySARA.She deeply believes Teaching, sound medicine and ceremony are Blessings of Service.

For centuries, Raw cacao has been used ceremonially by indigenous cultures. Cacao is known to have incredible health benefits and is a natural superfood to get your body and mind energized and aligned. It’s also known to act as a natural heart opener and is used for healing, promoting well being, and stimulating energy. The ceremony will be followed by a heart-opening meditation Nidra and Sound Bath to drop into the heart. The 20” pure Quartz Crystal bowl and 40″ symphonic Gong accompanied with rich harmonics of 7 plus pure Quartz Crystal and Tibetan bowls will create a calming atmosphere with their healing frequencies for you to dive deeper into your heart and mind.  All levels welcome! Attire: Dress in comfortable clothing