Edd Edwards-Exploring Multilevel Consciousness.

Edd Edwards-Exploring Multilevel Consciousness.


Exploring Multilevel Consciousness

In this lecture, I will delve into my early exposure to this unique energy field through my grandmother during childhood, followed by a comprehensive overview of thirty years’ worth of research that not only verifies the existence of this energy but also highlights research findings from UVA. These findings shed light on the brain’s involvement in harnessing human bioelectrical field energies for therapeutic applications in modern times. The innovative energy work I am engaged in has shown remarkable potential in alleviating various forms of discomfort.

Throughout the lecture, I will conduct live demonstrations wherein participants can experience firsthand the effects of this energy. By having individuals stand, I will demonstrate my ability to induce sensations of heat, tingling, and movement within their bodies, often leading to improved balance. Additionally, I will invite volunteers on stage to showcase how I can alleviate stress and create unique sensations in their feet.

My work is designed to trigger the body’s innate healing processes among those who are receptive to it. By energizing the mitochondria within the body’s cells, it facilitates and accelerates the body’s natural healing abilities.