Dr. Jason Pape
Lecture-SUNDAY June 5 , 4:00pm Fire Island Rm
What You Need to Know About Doing the Ketogenic Diet
Many people have heard about the ketogenic diet, or “going keto” but don’t really know how or why they should do it. Others have tried and not been successful while still others have been scared by friends or their doctors that the lifestyle is dangerous. Dr Jason Pape will take you through what ketones are, their benefits and how to start a ketogenic diet right while dispelling the common myths and misconceptions and cutting through the glut of conflicting information in the marketplace.
Dr Jason Pape is a chiropractor and functional medicine and holistic doctor. Graduating Summa Cum Laude from Chiropractic College and holding post-graduate degrees in both pediatrics and sports medicine, Dr. Pape treats a broad spectrum of patients, from athletes to newborns, pregnant moms to children with sensory and learning issues, acute or chronic injuries to preventative and wellness healthcare. An expert in both the ketogenic and paleo diets, Dr. Pape continues to help the community with his wealth of knowledge and joined by the wide variety of like-minded alternative practitioners at his Wellness Clinic, The Vitality Center in Commack.