Donna Mcgrath-Total Body Healing

Donna Mcgrath-Total Body Healing


Lecture Fla: Saturday March 22, 4:30 Everglades

Lecture NY: Saturday March 29, 4:00pm Sutton Rn

Miracles of Total Body Healing

Join pioneering former NIH Molecular Biologist turned Enlightened Energy Master & Medical Medium, as she describes her spontaneous1994 OBE to Enlightenment, what miracles are, reveals her secrets to manifesting Miracles utilizing Unconditional Love… View her powerful slide presentation of real-life miraculous case histories. Enjoy free demo audience sample healing from the gallery and a custom audience channeling of Divine Healing energies. Donna dissolves tumors in 5 min, inflating collapsed lungs and obviating the need for many transplant surgeries!!!   Donna McGrath Donna is a gifted Trance Medical Medium and Master Energy Healer who communicates and facilitates miracle healings from The Other Side. She has performed over 60,000 readings as a psychic and Trance Medium, Contacting the Deceased, and then integrated her modalities to facilitate thousands of individual counseling sessions and miracle healings worldwide, utilizing her unique channeled long-distance healing technique which involves Quantum Energy transmission, Spiritual Psychology (the newest Emotional Healing Technique, Positive-Negative Replacement Therapy, BluPRNT (TM)) and channeled custom nutritional recommendations.

Free Workshop Fla: Sunday March 23, 5:30pm Hillsboro Rm

Free Workshop NY: Sunday March 30,5:00pm Herald Square Rm

Real Life Cases of Miracle Healings

You are cordially invited to come and hear true cases of miraculous healings from Miracle Medium and Master Energy Healer, Donna McGrath, former internationally-known NIH Molecular Biologist, who was invited to The White House in 1982 for her ground-breaking research work on sickle-cell anemia.

Following a subsequent life-altering 1994 Enlightenment experience, in which the Light revealed the “key to healing all dis-eases” to her, and revealed prophetic scenes regarding the history of the planet (which all have come true), she was gifted with clairaudience, clairvoyance and the ability to perform astounding long-distance quantum Energy Healing miracles throughout the world!

In this 2 hr. jaw-dropping workshop, Donna will briefly discuss her scientific background and transformational OBE to The Light, which led to her present real-life abilities to facilitate astounding healing miracles… including inflating a Project Runways model’s collapsed lung via phone, healing of 5 year-old girl with severe dermatomyositis, who was given only 2 weeks to live at Children’s Hospital, and actual amazing details of bringing our own brother and #1 Amazon bestselling author of the Sands of Time series and teacher, Sean David Morton, from being flatlined Back to Life ! NOT to miss this mind-blowing workshop and amazing presentation!

Donna McGrath Donna is a gifted Trance Medical Medium and Master Energy Healer who communicates and facilitates miracle healings from The Other Side. She has performed over 60,000 readings as a psychic and Trance Medium, Contacting the Deceased, and then integrated her modalities to facilitate thousands of individual counseling sessions and miracle healings worldwide, utilizing her unique channeled long-distance healing technique which involves Quantum Energy transmission, Spiritual Psychology (the newest Emotional Healing Technique, Positive-Negative Replacement Therapy, BluPRNT (TM)) and channeled custom nutritional recommendations.

Additionally, her work has obviated the need for knee surgery, lung surgery, and lung transplant.  She has facilitated miracles in cases of HIV, cancer,  psychological diseases, drug weaning and rehab, asthma, anxiety, depression, addiction, sexual issues, headaches, dermatomyositis, kidney disease, hearing and sight loss, food intolerances, anorexia, bulemia, bipolar disorder, ADD, allergies, gluten intolerance, genetic diseases, disc herniations, back pain and a plethora of other grief and relationship related issues.

She acted in and advised on the set of The Mandala Maker, an independent film in which a young woman heals herself of a severe emotional trauma by painting healing mandalas, which qualified for an Oscar in 2009. She starred in the documentary, Snake Hill, in which one man’s 22 year search for his grandfather’s remains leads to the largest disinterment/reinterment in US history at New Jersey’s infamous Snake Hill burial grounds.