Lecture: Saturday March 29,5:00pm Herald Square Rm
Psychological and Spiritual Warfare: What It Is & What We Can Do
We are under attack! Everyone is being attacked on every level – spirit, mind, body. Spiritual author Donald Lee draws material from his recent book, “The Way Forward: How to Escape the Totalitarian Control of the New World Order” to help you understand the nature of this warfare and how to sensibly respond. All of us, both individually and collectively, are on a journey of awareness and transformation. Learn what’s really going on, the nature of this warfare, how to transform yourself, and transcend the darkness.
Drawing on his eclectic experience, spiritual author and speaker Donald Lee uses the journey of becoming a musician as a metaphor for our spiritual journey. He also exposes the lies and darkness in our world—spiritual, psychological, and physical—AND how to overcome all of it!