Carolyn Marin-Microbiome Importance

Carolyn Marin-Microbiome Importance



All Disease Begins In The Gut

Our daily lifestyle and habits create our health . All conditions are symptoms of our inner- terrain being out of balance.   Learn about the importance of the microbiome and how it reflects in our health! Learn some living food lifestyle tips to support your healthy microbiome. We must choose to cultivate and maintain our state of balance. Your food choices effect your entire system. Learn Living Food tips that will help you easily incorporate this health-promoting Lifestyle into your life and busy schedule. Carolyn Marin is a senior teacher and therapist at Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute (AWI) in beautiful Puerto Rico. She has been working with AWI since 2000, when she herself went to take the program. She has a masters degree in community psychology and family counseling (since 1993) and has a certification in colon hydrotherapy and reiki since 2000. She started with Iyengar yoga practice in 1993 and continued, changing her practice when she studied at AWI -Kripalu restorative yoga from 2000 to present time. This year she became a certified Sivandanda yoga teacher. Through all her studies, it’s been a important intention to work on her own individual growth and healing