Alphie Russo

Alphie Russo


Friday Oct 22: 6:30-7:15pm Kips Bay Rm(Virtual)

A Letter To The Universe: Our Collective Journey

in this fun interactive talk you will be able to ask Alphie questions receiving responses from her downloads, try tips & tricks to bring you back to a mindful & place of patience.  Come share your thoughts and partake of free vegan bakery bites while they last. So bring your cup of coffee,tea & Kombucha and join us in this wonderful moment .

What makes my book, “A Letter To The Universe”, different from other self-help/motivational books is I discuss my firsthand accounts of trying to apply mindfulness and patience. I incorporate all the teachings from the best teachers like, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louis Hay and many others. I am just like everyone else, I am a working mom, business professional, who is trying to understand life and balance it all. We learn through my journey, and I mess up, A LOT!   I want my readers to find happiness within their current life. I am not saying it is easy, but I am living proof that no matter what you go through, happiness is within your reach. The only holding you back is you!

Alphie Marie Russo woman; she is a constant over achieving millennial who loves life and her family. She is a mom of three beautiful children. She is a business professional and most recently has become an author. She is funny, captivating, sweet and is always trying to find the “why” behind everything! She loves life and wants to help everyone she meets. Yet, at the same time, she is strong, determined and extremely hard working. Her work ethic is extraordinary, as is her love for people. She has worked extremely hard to climb that corporate ladder, until one day; all her dreams had come true and yet something was still missing. She realized; the job even as Director of Claims for the North East,is only a piece of this puzzle we call life. She is continually learning her true purpose in life is. She will not stop until she knows everything, and it is an exciting ride to be on and even more to follow. So come along for this interactive fun talk. Treats available In the room during her talk.