Nancy Javaras-Eliminate Stress

Nancy Javaras-Eliminate Stress


Lecture: Sunday Oct 29,11:00am Rm #1

How Stress Affects The Brain, Hormones & Gut

There are all kinds of stressors in the body that can affect all systems including our brain, nervous system, hormones and gut health.
There can be physical stress such as hidden infections, viruses, fungal overgrowth, mold, heavy metals, toxins and more that can cause
havoc with our brain function, neurotransmitters and the gut-brain axis disrupting our hormones, mood, sleep and gut dysfunction.
There is also mental and emotional stress that can throw off our nervous system causing imbalances in the brain, gut-brain axis, hormones and gut.
Learn how you can avoid stressors, and help balance systems to create self healing in your body.
Nancy Javaras, FDN-P, AFDNP is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and very experienced  Integrative Health Coach with over 20 years of experience in gut health, the gut brain connection, liver detox, digestion, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances and more.   She offers a free 15 minute call to see if she can help you.    508-527-4149.   Nancy is very spiritual and a Golden Light Healer.           ,