998.Matthew Koren: DNA Life Activation

998.Matthew Koren: DNA Life Activation


LECTURE: Saturday, March 11, 10:00am Key Largo Rm

Activate your Spiritual Gifts with a DNA Life Activation

What’s possible in life is a function of your capacity to dream and your tenacity in following your dreams. It’s time to upgrade both.  Life Activation is a technique that has been used for thousands of years within the mystery schools as a rite of passage to activate priests/priestesses and healers so they can achieve a heightened state of consciousness and empowerment. Learn about this exciting technique and why hundreds of people each year are learning how to deliver this session to their clients.

Matthew is a certified Guide for conscious leaders at Spirit in Transition, and is inspired by the potential of connecting the measurable and immeasurable, Science and Spirit, to bridge the worlds of scientific theory with the magic of real-world experience. Matthew’s approach assimilates the latest research in consciousness studies, psychology, business, organizational development, mindfulness and meditation, resonance and quantum field theory to support his clients.