Alison Montgomery
LECTURE: SUNDAY JUNE 5 1:00pmĀ Fire Island Rm
Break Through Anxiety: 3 Keys to Inner Peace
What is the real cause of anxiety? We get stuck in negative thinking and self-doubt, when what we really want is more peace and self-confidence. We worry about finances or the future, when what we really want are better relationships and to enjoy the present moment. Alison Montgomery discusses the origin and mechanisms of anxiety, negative thinking and emotional blocks and outlines the steps towards a life of self-confidence, freedom, and inner peace.
Alison Montgomery is an Inner Space Techniques practitioner, regression therapist, meditation teacher and speaker, with 35 years experience in the field of consciousness and healing. Based in Berkeley, CA, she sees clients from all around the world, helping people overcome anxiety and find confidence and peace. She lectures regularly on the energetic side of deep emotional healing.