Maureen St. Germain-Mastering Our 5D Self

Maureen St. Germain-Mastering Our 5D Self


Lecture:Saturday Oct 28, 2:00pm Rm #2

Bringing in Your Beloved

Are you in a relationship with the partner with the same goals and desires as you? The key is to learn everything you can from your current relationships, and recognize that this year, this cycle is key to reinventing your partner situation! Have you ever gone into a store and described what you want with the clerk agreeing, “I have exactly what you are looking for.” only to discover that you were misunderstood. Come to this class for clarity and a roadmap to success.

Free Workshop:Sunday Oct 29, 4:00pm Rm #5

Mastering Your 5D Life 

Everyone’s been 5D whether they know it or not! Learn methods of staying 5D. Everyone is moving intermittently into 5D. Discover the one sure way to know you are 5D. Understand mind melds, and dimensional shifts. Discovering why abandoning the need to know allows you to get information you’d not thought of.   Learn the one simple phrase that can change everything for you and everyone around you. Discover how to end the cycle of karma that has held you in specific patterns. Learn ways to move beyond judgment and engage the compassion of 5D existence.

Maureen is one of the premier Ascension Teachers on the planet. Maureen J. St. Germain, The Practical Mystic is the Author of Opening your Akashic Records, Winner of COVR Gold Book of the Year, & Winner of Gold in Contemporary Spirituality Books; Waking Up in 5D, Voted #1 Best Selling Book of the year by Independent Retailers as reported in Retailing Insight & Winner of COVR Bronze Founder of Ascension Institute Mystery School;  Akashic Records International. has over 25 years of experience in the area of mystical and sacred traditions. She has taught in 24 countries and her six books have been translated into 11 languages. Known as the Practical Mystic, Maureen is a prolific teacher and facilitator of spiritual knowledge for contemporary life. As an internationally acclaimed Ascension teacher and Akashic Records Guide, Maureen has been granted access to a dimension that has been closed to most of humanity for eons. As a direct channel from Source, she is continuously researching, developing, and introducing new methods that will help you connect with your own wisdom channel and inspire your spiritual awakening. Maureen has personal connections with the Angels, Ascended Masters, Hathors, Divine Feminine, and the Dragons. She is the steward of AroMandalas-Orion Series Blends, a line of healing essential oil blends channeled by Mary Magdalene.,
